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Kwidditch: Iona Devonshire



update 8dec: lol i finally updated it feel free to look
update 12jun17: omg this art i want to kill myself pls dont look at it i'm going to update soon i swear-

|| basics



|| physical information



|| school information



    » Study of Ancient Runes
    » Arithmancy
    » Care of Magical Creatures
    » Divination

    » ha
    » ok probably quidditch in the future lkadfldk chaser ?? she'd make a pretty daring chaser except with the tendency to focus only on the quaffle and end up bludgeoning bludgers-- that probably wasnt even aimed at her

    » Jason Grayson — ;v; partner in crime


|| psyche

cheerful • efficient • persistent • well-mannered
convincing • daring • flamboyant • machiavellian • outgoing • spontaneous • trusting
arrogant • inconsistent • lazy • messy af

Iona has a naturally light-hearted, cheerful personality with a friendly persona and outgoing nature. She has a habit of smiling at anyone who makes eye contact with her along corridors, even if they are simply strangers. For some reason, Iona instinctively trusts everyone and gives them the benefit of the doubt, but 'once bitten, twice shy' hits her very hard. After all, if they have done it once, they can do it again.

Though brought up to be polite and refined in her speech and demeanour, the Slytherin has recently been picking up quite a bit of new, rather colourful, language from her new acquaintances. She has also become quite loose tongued with closer friends, and has the ability to gossip quite judgementally at times, usually due to peer pressure and fitting in with different people. Quite the attention-seeker at times, she enjoys spells that impress others.

Iona has a flair for words and quick thinking, and has no qualms doing something that might create trouble for her in the future as she believes that she will be able to deal with anything that comes up ad libitum, as one would describe. Well aware of her wit and resourcefulness, she can, on the other hand, sometimes exhibit egoistical traits in her behaviour and speech. However, Iona will soon realise that though people like her and sometimes put up with her insensitive jokes or comments because they are funny, her words and actions can end up backfiring and trouble will catch up to her one day.

Ever since she dropped her temporary infatuation of becoming Ravenclaw for her brother, the Slytherin has reverted to her original ways of doing things. This sometimes leads to carelessness and a whole lot of trouble especially since she rarely bothers to read instructions when doing spells in class. Iona tends to put off deadlines till its staring her in the face, though she is also surprisingly quick at accomplishing things even when starting at the last minute. This results in a rather fluctuating progress in her studies and work. She will soon realise, however, that she could accomplish a lot more if she put more effort in consistency. 

Unsurprisingly, Iona has the tendency to be negligent with what does not currently hold her interest. One only need look at her hair—parts that aren't tied up always look like she just stepped out of a windstorm. Her bag is too generally cluttered with odd bits and pieces of random stuff—and sometimes other peoples' pets.

    » lime green—her favourite colour
    » thrill—she enjoys the excitement of unknown surprises
    » sweet treats—barely an hour goes by without her chewing or chomping or nibbling on something
        • in fact;; if you shake iona upside down it would rain all sorts of tidbits ehehehe;v; dont really do that tho she'll get hissy
        • everywhere in her stuff is filled with an assortment of candy but be sure to ask permission because some are expired--
    » divination—the sleep class that feels unexpectedly productive
    » charms—most charm spells are just so convenient and easy for her to learn
    » dueling—iona has developed a taste for knocking people out with unnecessarily flamboyant spells
    » hedgehogs—she used to find them scuffling at roots around the neighbourhood
    » feathers—they're soft and fluffy, what's there not to like? if she could feather a hedgehog...
    » pranks/jokes—fancy ones that don't interfere with studies because that's just not cool man
    » pumpkin juice—with a spoonful of honey and a dash of salt dont ask just dont
    » casting spells—she just loves this whole action and reaction thing
    » jack o'lanterns—these are her absolute favourite things, right after feathers and hedgehogs
    » environmentalism—she believes that people can and should do a lot more for the planet, especially with magic
    » trail mix—loves this muggle thing her father brings back from overseas, adds it in her porridge
    » clocks—the ticking gets annoying and only reminds her how much time there's left till something happens
    » bowtruckles—the long fingers give her the creeps
    » crusty wounds—just ew
    » cold/snow—she dislikes cold, wet environments, but enjoys cold drinks
    » transfiguration—unless its living transfiguration, iona doesn't see the point of buying something only to change it into something else
    » puppets/marionettes—they give her the creeps, and she has had a recurring nightmare about them since she was little
    » lemongrass—that scent gives her a headache
    » panic—it gets no one nowhere, also the noises that panicking people make are annoying
    » elitism—she doesn't fancy what her brother has become
    » snakes—mostly keeps this quiet because obvious reasons 
    » isolation—figures
    » padlocks—just another area she can't access... or can she?

|| history

Kristopher Devonshire » father » pure-blood » 46 » occupation » hufflepuff
Lena Devonshire, née Hamilton » mother » pure-blood » 43 » healer » gryffindor {NPC}
Eva Devonshire  » older sister » pure-blood » 21 » disabled » gryffindor {NPC //cri}
Kaleb Devonshire  » older brother » pure-blood » 16 » student » ravenclaw {NPC// for now •u•}

SUMMARY: (click here for her full bio)
Iona was born the third child of Lena, née Hamilton, and Kristopher Devonshire. Her siblings were Eva, the eldest child and first daughter of the family, and an older brother, Kaleb. The current Devonshires were descended from somewhat aristocratic roots with Iona's immediate family considered 'pure-bloods'. Lena worked at St. Mungos while Kristopher worked at the Ministry, and all their children had been registered for Hogwarts at birth.

Iona was brought up mostly by her father and older sister, as well as their house-elf Greg when her family members weren’t available. Kaleb, four years old at the time, simply loved his little baby sister. They were a relaxed close-knit family, like all Devonshires were, though the children was expected to maintain a degree of good manners and stately conduct. Eva's turn for Hogwarts came first, when Iona was four years old. At that age, Iona was taught to control her desires and emotions before she was allowed to start Muggle elementary school. It was when Iona turned seven, however, that everything changed. Eva, now a vivacious and outgoing Gryffindor, got herself involved in an accident in the Muggle world which resulted in a near death encounter. Though she survived, irreparable brain damage had occurred and the once charming young lady was reduced to a catatonic stupor. Her wand was never found, believed to have been lost during the incident.

This sudden occurrence shocked the family. Though Eva was now at St. Mungos under the most reputable treatment, it was altogether possible that she may be spending her entire life locked up there, happy staring into the ceiling and peeling labels from boxes. Believing they may have underestimated the degree of danger and lack of control in the Muggle world, Lena and Kristopher withdrew their children from all contact with Muggles. They didn't even allow her or Kaleb to visit relatives without their presence. All this having occurred early August, Iona's birthday that year was a quiet one.

Several months after that, Kristopher was offered a promotion that required him to carry out diplomatic missions with a foreign Ministry of Magic. At the same time, Kaleb decided to start focusing on his academic future. He started reading up all he could and soon developed a love for knowledge and a passion for academic excellence, enrolling at Hogwarts that following September. This series of events, though apparently bode well for the family, resulted in a rather unforeseen outcome. For most of her days, Iona was left to her own devices in the near empty manor. 

With nothing much to do, she took to wandering musty rooms and long corridors that had belonged to generations before her time. Iona spent afternoons successfully dismantling and unsuccessfully putting back together unidentified magical objects. Usually they’d be left as a mess on the floor for Greg to clean up. She yearned for human interaction, and looked forward to the summer for the return of her older brother, who she believed would liven the place up and spend time with her as he did all the years before Hogwarts called. 

Alas, that summer did not go exactly as she had planned. Kaleb, returned with an attitude that basically worshipped all things Ravenclaw and ignored his little sister who he had not seen for months the entire summer. Coming up with a plan to get his attention back, she started accumulating more knowledge in hopes of impressing her brother. Annoyed that his sister was now catching up to his world, Kaleb told her that all she did was useless if she didn't get into his house. Delighted, she set her sights to getting sorted into Ravenclaw.

Enrollment & Sorting
Iona received her letter the next August, and Kaleb accompanied her to buy her books and school equipment. As they reached Diagon Alley, she promised determinedly to her older brother that she would get into Ravenclaw. He only scoffed and shoved the money into her hand, telling her to just get her stuff while he met up briefly with his soon-to-be Year Three friends. 

Iona made it to the Sorting Ceremony waited eagerly for the Sorting Hat to be placed on her head, knowing that with all that she put in, surely she'd be accepted into Ravenclaw, but it was not to be. The hat, smartly recognising that her inclination towards knowledge was not for a true love of wisdom, placed her in Slytherin instead, a house that would bring out her true strengths. Unprepared for this outcome, Iona believed that she had failed and that she was ultimately not good enough to associate with her brother. She could not even bear a glance at the Ravenclaw table where Kaleb and his schoolmates sat, uniforms accentuated with blue and silver.


Iona fell into a temporary depression at the start of her schooling, but soon enough, Hogwarts started to change her. Realising that she and Kaleb were entirely different people with very different values, Iona fixed her mental insecurities and focused her mind and spirit on the present, instead of the past.
First Year: "Iona is a well-mannered but fairly quiet student, though interaction proves that she is not at all shy. Like her brother, her work is of excellent standard, and many Professors are impressed at the detail of which she knows her subjects. Well done, though we hope to see her participate more in class.
—extract from mid-semester report card

For the first few months, Iona sank into a quiet, brooding sort of mood. She failed to get into Ravenclaw; was she just not good enough for Kaleb? There were also many stories she had heard about her new House that pretty much alarmed her. She became known as that quiet girl nobody knew about. The few who tried to reach out to her were not entirely rebuffed, though she made no effort to continue any budding friendships, and talked only when she needed to. As time passed, her classmates formed their cliques without her, and she was left to herself most of the time. Then Iona realised that she was being silly. She had been so caught up regarding the problem she faced at home that she entirely missed out on her current situation. The problem she faced was a problem no more, now that she was already in Hogwarts and surrounded by hundreds of other young souls like her. She was in Hogwarts, starting the best seven years of her life. Why should she waste it regretting and down the dumps? This revelation came on the eve of Nativity, so on Christmas Day itself, Iona woke up feeling far more relaxed than she had ever felt in ages, danced out to the common room and surprised all her Housemates. Soon she began adopting a more carefree attitude, albeit being somewhat biased against Ravenclaw's house of overly serious swots.

Second Year:
 "Iona is a bright and sociable student, but also very easily distracted. She copes well with the coursework, and a little too well with her friends. Several Professors, however, have feedback on something somewhat worrying. A recent example would be how she submitted an essay that proved she has learnt all about the origin, invention, and uses of Freezing Charms, but not the actual incantation itself. Please ensure that her studies are consistent." 
—extract from end-semester report card

This year Iona focused more on making friends than studying, narrowly avoiding detentions and spending more time in class distracted by non-academic entertainment. In many subjects, it is obvious that her knowledge is in bits and pieces, ultimately handing up assignments that perplexes and somewhat worries many of her teachers. Did their student have selective amnesia? Did she bunk classes only to visit the library? Or worse, was she copying from her friends? Truth is that her pre-Hogwarts period of obsessive reading had left odd gaps here and there that Iona never really bothered to fill in. What was the point? She didn't get into Ravenclaw anyway, and she was getting on just fine... well, with a bit of winging and improvising. There are still, however, some things, such as the spelling of Expelliarmus or the year of Hogwarts founding that one cannot simply invent.

Third Year:
 "Iona has certainly accustomed herself to life at Hogwarts. Her coursework is doing fine, and apart from the occasional step out of line, she seems to keep herself out of detentions. We would however, like to remind her that the dungeon classrooms are not swimming pools." 
—extract from mid-semester report card

If her teachers thought last year was wild enough, they were in for a surprise. The fun was just beginning. Iona has earned quite an interesting reputation, though she still holds respect for authority figures. As her subjects gain depth, so do the gaps in her knowledge. She will have to pull up her socks if she wants to keep her Os and Es. She is also starting to get quite manipulative, testament to the influence of her new friends.

Fourth Year: ?????

|| other trivia

    » iona is not usually the first person to break eye contact
    » catchphrase is 'hm yeah, i'll work on it later'
    » she talks really fast sometimes
    » has unorthodox ways of holding her wand, and has a habit of spinning it absentmindedly
    » has a morbid fascination of the inside of living things, it grosses her out but is also fascinating
    » she can be surprisingly self critical if she doesn't meet goals she sets for herself
    » she sympathises with people, but may not end up helping :')
    » because of her past, iona tends to mock ravenclaw for being too serious and boringly studious
    » not a morning person, but perks up at food, so if she doesn't eat breakfast the whole day will be horrible, at least till lunch
    » she is able to act casually and gauge a person's reactions to make on-the-spot responses, therefore not only talented at lying but also at lie detecting
    » has been curious about muggle drugs ever since her sister got involved with that, but never voiced it aloud
    » likes to sit in muggle areas and stare at muggles going about their business and imagine how much easier life would be for them if only they had magic :iconjunesplz:

The Devonshire Manor, also known as the Switching Manor, was built by the oldest generation of the family and enchanted room by room through a certain strain of magic lost to the pages of old dusty books. It was called so due to its unique ability of allowing its residents to switch the contents of any room with another, as long as the several key requirements were met. First was that one had to possess magic. Second, the two rooms had to be matching, designed of the exact same size. Third was that there could not be any living being in the rooms as they were being switched.

Why so many rooms, one may ask? According to Kristopher's great-grandfather, the original Devonshire had a wife and thirteen sons. One of his more successful sons was an inventor, another an interior designer, and the third an alchemist. His wife loved collecting things, and might have even been a hoarder. Therefore, once it appeared that they were drowning in wardrobes filled with odd equipment, cluttered objects all over the floor, loud, untimely explosions and a serious infringement of personal space, they decided that their three storey house with a courtyard and water well certainly would not do. So they designed and built a new, improved manor of seven storeys and a corridor-filled basement, which would ultimately have all the space in the world to fit their needs. The manor came with a particular quirk, which allowed any Devonshire of the house to switch the room's contents about—a very convenient trait especially for impromptu parties or simply clearing a room in which space had already been exploited to the max. Through the generations, it later became known to relatives and friends as the Switching Manor.

Soon however, many of Devonshire's sons moved out to start their own families, and also because, as one explained in a diary entry, translated from Gaelic, 'I could never find a damn thing in that house anymore'. They acquired their own land and built their own homes; some large, some small, with many standing till this very day.

|| ooc stuff

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